
阅读下列材料: 材料一 哀公问政于孔子,孔子对曰: “政之急者,莫大乎使民富且寿也。”公曰:“为之奈何?”孔子曰:“省力役,薄赋敛,则民富矣;敦礼教,远罪疾,则民寿矣。”公曰:“寡人欲行夫子之言,恐吾国贫矣。”孔子曰:“诗云:‘恺悌君子,民之父母。’未有子富而父母贫者也。” ——《孔子家语·贤君》 材料二 天之生民,非为王也,而天立王以为民也。故其德足以安乐民者,天予之,其恶足贼害民者,天夺之。……春秋之法,凶年不修旧,意在无A little old man and his wife walked slowly into McDonald's 16 a cold-winter evening. They took a table near the back wall, and then the little old man walked to the cash register (收银处)to order. After a while he got the food back and they began to 17 it. There was one hamburger, some French fries and one drink. The little old man carefully cut the hamburger into halves and 18 the French fries in two piles. Then he neatly put the 19 of the food in front of his wife. He took a sip of the drink and his wife took a sip. "How20 the old people are!" The people around them thought.          21 the man began to eat his hamburger and his French fries, his wife sat there 22 him and took turns to drink. 23 young man came over and offered to buy another meal for them. But they refused   24 and said that they got used to 25 everything. Then a young lady asked the little old lady a question. "Madam, why aren't you eating? You said that you shared everything. Then what are you waiting for?" She answered, "The teeth.” 1. A. for   B. at       C. in       D. on 2. A. eat   B. taste    C open D. try 3.A. divided    B. placed C. changed D. cut 4. A. half B. bit          C. piece    D. pair 5.A. clever     B. foolish C. old D. poor 6.A. Because    B. As       C. So       D. Before 7.A. keeping        B. watching C. seeing       D. holding 8.A. Another        B. The other C. Other        D. A 9.A. delightedly    B. carefully C. politely         D. angrily 10.A. share             B. sharing C. enjoy        D. enjoying
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