
用如图14-8-5所示的实验器材测定额定电压为3 V的小电灯的伏安特性曲线.要求加在电灯上的电压从零开始逐渐增大到额定电压.     图14-8-5                                                  图14-8-6(1)画出实验所用的电路图,并按电路图用导线把实物图连接起来.(2)某同学根据实验所测的几组数据画出如图14-8-6所示的图象.图象是一条曲线而不是直线.原因是__________,小电灯正常发光时的电阻大约是__________ Ω.四、选用合适的句子完成对话。Kitty: I hear Mr. Wu told you to organize a charity show. When is it?Sandy: It will be on next Sunday. Come and help me. I hope our charity show will be a success. I’m nervous 1.Kitty: I’ll phone my cousin, Ricky. He can help us2..Sandy: 3.. I hope he’s not too busy.Kitty: Don’t worry. His show is over. 4.. I’m sure he’d like to help. Sandy: I wish 5..Kitty: I wish we could have a lot of pop stars in the show.A. we could have our show at a big theatreB. That’s a good ideaC. so he has lots of free time nowD. because I don’t know how to organize a showE. because he has organized a charity show before 1.D 2.E 3.B 4.C 5.A 【解析】本对话主要谈论组织一次慈善演出的情况。下星期日,吴先生叫桑迪组织一个慈善演出。桑迪很紧张,因为她不知道如何组织一场演出。桑迪希望基蒂能帮帮她。基蒂说她将给她的表弟瑞奇打电话的,他可以帮助他们,因为他以前组织过一次慈善演出。最后桑迪希望晚会能在大剧院演出,并且在演出中能有很多流行歌星。 1.句意:我很紧张,因为我不知...
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