
Peter and Jenny were walking home from school along the street.Suddenly they heard a loud noise. Come on! That sounds like an accident (事故) . Let's see what has happened.      They ran to where the noise come from and saw a small car knock into the side of a truck. The accident happened in a quiet street with only four houses in it. Peter and Jenny were the first ones to reach the scene. No other people came. They found that both the car driver and the track driver were hurt. Peter, said Jenny, run back down the street to Mrs. Jones' house. Let her call the police and the ambul学校运动会中,某同学长跑后感到头晕乏力(血糖降低的原因),口服下面哪种物质可有效缓    解其症状 (  ) A、葡萄糖B、矿泉水C、补血口服液D、鸡蛋
英语 试题推荐