
Do you still remember your favorite poem from high school or some other important period in your life?Why is it that decades later it still stands out in your mind?Probably the main reason is that some aspect of that poem resonates (引起共鸣) with you. In the same way,you too as a school leader can touch the hearts of your staff and students. Poetry allows us to experience strong spiritual connections to things around us and to the past. Thus , it can inspire whatever and whomever it touches. The power that poetry has displayed over time and across cultures actually satisfies如图所示的四个作用力中,力的作用效果使受力物体运动状态发生改变的是(  )A.运动员用力将铅球推动B.人用力拉长拉力器C.人的压力将跳板压弯D.运动员用力将杠铃提起
英语 试题推荐