
51. Oil prices have __________(接近)their highest level for almost ten years. 52. Many workers were __________(失业的)because of the economic problem. 53. The way my brother talked to my mother __________(烦扰)me. 54. The n__________ temperature of a human being is about 37℃. 55. We are so poor that we __________(极少地)eat in the restaurant. 56. We must take __________(辛苦)to face the difficulties in our life. 57. The man felt __________(尴尬的)because he met his ex-wife in the supermarket. 58. The i__________ of the medicine are written in En为营造书香家庭,周末小亮和姐姐一起从家出发去图书馆借书,走了6min发现忘带借书证,小亮立即骑路边共享单车返回家中取借书证,姐姐以原来的速度继续向前走,小亮取回借书证后骑单车原路原速前往图书馆,小亮追上姐姐后用单车带着姐姐一起前往图书馆。已知骑车的速度是步行速度的2倍,如图是小亮和姐姐距离家的路程y(m)与出发的时间x(min)的函数图象,根据图象解答下列问题:(1)小亮在家停留了多长时间?(2)求小亮骑车从家出发去图书馆时距家的路程 y(m)与出发时间 x(min)之间的函数解析式.
英语 试题推荐