
Mr. Brown, the wife of a famous doctor, was good at cooking. Once the Browns invited some of their friends to lunch. Mrs. Brown thought it was a good chance for her to ___36___ how wonderfully she could cook, so she ___37___ a new way of cooking a fish dish. She was quite pleased with herself when the dish was ___38___. “I have never cooked such ___39___ dish before!” she thought.    As the dish was very ___40___ she put it near the open window to cool for a few minutes. But, several minutes ___41___ , when she came back ___42___ it, she was shocked to find the neighbor’s cat, Chester,结合句子意思,给下列加点字选择一个恰当的解释,将序号填在括号里。(1)一人蛇先成,引( )酒且( )饮之。引:A.领,招来 B.拉,伸 C.拿,取 D.诱发,惹且:A.并且 B.将要 C.暂时 D.尚,还(2)其( )人弗能应( )也。其:A.那,那个 B.他,他们 C.他的,他们的 D.其中应:A.答应,接受 B.适合,配合 C.应付,对待 D.回答(3)下列句子中的“道”各是什么意思?道:A.方法,办法,技术;B.道路;C.方向,道理;D.说;E.表示数量;F.道教。①老师经常告诫我们,过马路时要走人行道。( )②我们不要把精力放在微不足道的小事上。( )③今天老师只给我们布置了三道题,大家一会儿就做完了。( )④俗话说:“外行看热闹,内行看门道。”( )
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