
Every day we use money to buy what we want.But have you ever really noticed the bill in your hand? There are different pictures on both sides of banknotes(纸币)and interesting stories behind them.Most banknotes have famous people on the front,such as a country’s leader or a great scientist,while on the back of the paper note there are usually some well-known scenes or national buildings.The latest editions of Chinese banknotes use the picture of Mao Zedong,founding father of the People’s Republic of China,on the front of all yuan bills.However,the backs of the bills某微粒结构示意图为,下列说法中错误的是(  )A.该微粒为稳定结构B.该微粒原子核内有13个质子C.该微粒属于原子D.该微粒带3个单位正电荷
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