
补全对话 从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话。 A. What about going to the movies? B. That sounds good. C. Yes, I’d love to. D. It is raining. E. what about watching TV at home? Peter: Steve, I want to go out to play basketball. Would you like to go with me? Steve: 1 Just wait for one minute. (But when Peter opens the door, he stops. ) Steve: What’s the matter? Peter: 2 How can we play basketball in the rain? Steve: Right. 3 Peter: Going to the movies? But we still need to go out. Steve: Then 4 Peter: I think the TV show is so boring. Let’s cook a nice meal at 在某电视台举办的《上海世博会知识有奖问答比赛》中,甲、乙、丙三人同时回答一道问题,已知甲回答对这道题的概率是,甲、丙两人都回答错的概率是,乙、丙两人都回答对的概率是,且三人答对这道题的概率互不影响. (1)求乙、丙两人各自回答对这道题的概率; (2)求答对该题的人数的分布列.
英语 试题推荐