
【小题1】She has a good eating ______(习惯) .【小题2】 I am not _______(感觉) well.【小题3】 Do you __________ (相信) his words ?【小题4】Grandpa is pretty healthy because he ________(锻炼) every day. 【小题5】 I’m ________ (计划) to buy a pair of shoes for my mother . 【小题6】Don’t eat too much ice-cream . You’ll have a s__________ .【小题7】The exam is coming. Tom is getting s_________ out. 【小题8】Take the m _________ , and then you’ll feel better . 【小题9】I play football o_______ a week. How often do you play football?【小题1010.图书馆和教学楼相距200 米,要在两楼之间的小路两旁栽树,相邻两棵树的距离是4米.因为每边有50个间隔,所以每边栽49棵树,一共要栽98棵树.
英语 试题推荐