
The train shook back and forth, its wheels making a loud noise on the tracks. Outside the window, the freezing cold of winter ruled. The carriage was filled with cold and  31  passengers. Suddenly, a little boy  32  his way through the grown-ups’ legs and sat down by the window. Without being paid any attention, he looked all alone among the  33  grown-ups. What a brave child, I thought. His father  34  to stay by the door behind us. The train began to crawl into a tunnel. Then, unexpectedly, something very strange happened. The little boy slid down from his seat and leaned h下列字形和划线字音全部正确的一项是(     )(2分)A.扶掖(yè) 要决 根深蒂固 气吞斗牛B.襁保煞白(shà)红装素裹温声细语C.诘 (jié)难 狡黠(xiá) 神色张皇朦朦胧胧D.栈桥(zhàn) 洗礼 一代天娇波光粼粼
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