
从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话,并将其字母标号填在横线上。其中有两项是多余的。 A. He works in a factory. B. She is ten. C. What’s this? D. Where is he from? E. Yes, she is. F. Yes, they are. G. Is this boy Wang Lin? A: (76)       B: This is a picture of Tom and his family. A: (77)       B: Yes. He is eleven years old. He is my classmate. A: Is the man his father? B: Yes. He is a worker. (78)       A: Is this woman his mother? B: (79)       A: Has he got any sisters or brothers? B: Yes, he has got a sister. And he also has 下面的舞台说明有哪些作用?选出正确的答案。(多选)           (  ) 午饭后,天气更阴沉,更郁热。低沉潮湿的空气,使人异常烦躁……,(这是一个夏天的午饭后,在周公馆的客厅里) A.交代了故事发生的时间和特定环境。 B.预示着统治阶级行将灭亡。 C.照应题目,预示一场雷雨即将到来。 D.烘托人物的烦躁、郁闷、不安的思想情绪。 E.制造出同悲剧剧情密切配合的舞台气氛,以突出主题。  
英语 试题推荐