
下列有关实验现象的描述,正确的是( ) A.红磷在空气中燃烧产生大量白雾B.木炭在氧气中燃烧,发出白光,生成二氧化碳气体C.硫在空气中燃烧,发出蓝紫色火焰,生成有刺激性气味的气体D.细铁丝在氧气中剧烈燃烧,火星四射,生成黑色固体 答案:考点:氧气与碳、磷、硫、铁等物质的反应现象.. 专题:实验现象的观察和记录. 分析:A、根据红磷在空气中燃烧的现象进行分析判断. B、根据木炭在氧气中燃烧的现象进行分析判断. C、根据硫在空气中燃烧的现象进行分析判断. D、根据细铁丝在氧气中燃烧的现象进行分析判断. 解答:解:ABrown : Hello, John !  1  I would like to borrow a few. John: You have asked the right person. I have about 50 books on writing, and they cover a wide range of writing skills, especially creative writing and academic writing.  2  . Brown :Well, I have been taking a course in international business management, so I want to read some books on international business writing.  3  John: I have 10.   4  You can take the rest. Brown : That’s great. Could I keep the books until November 1st ? John: That is about five weeks.  5  How about borrowing them one by one ? Brown : Sure. By the way, are you heading for your office now ? If so, I’d like to go with you to get one . John: OK. No problem. A.      I’m afraid you could not take all the writing books together for that long . B.      What kind of books do you want ? C.      How long can I keep all these books ? D.     Do you have any books on writing ? E.      I’m afraid my other students have taken all of them away. F.      How many books do you have on this topic. G.     But a student of mine borrowed two of them the other day.
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