
TELEPHONE MESSAGE To: Deborah Lai(English teacher) Mr. /Mrs. /Ms.: Wong √Telephoned                □Called in                    □Wrote a note To say: His daughter Angela will not be back at school until Thursday because she is sick.He would like to speak to you about the work she is missing.His phone number is 5895337. Please: √Telephone                 □Write a note               □Make t time to see Message taken by: Mrs. Lee Date: Monday 12 August   Time; 9:05 a.m. 1.Angela will be back at school关于我国人口的叙述,错误的是(  ) A、我国人口密度是东部密度大,西部密度小B、我国人口分布特点是东部多西部少C、目前我国人口数量与资源环境基本相适应D、计划生育是我国的一项长期的基本国策
英语 试题推荐