
Throughout life,change is the only thing that seems constant.Change has come to my 1ife many ways,in myself,and in my surroundings.At the same time,some things stay the same.This is when traditions are formed.I am often reminded of this by the photograph that sits by my bed. It all began with a kiss on my very first day of school.I remember dancing around the mirror,watching as my dark blue dress created a teacup around my waist.I admired the little ruffle(褶边)of my shirt collar and how it matched perfectly with the trim at the bottom of my dress.I knew I w工业上用煅烧石灰石(主要成分为CaCO3)制取生石灰,其生产流程图如下: (1)某工厂用12t含碳酸钙为75%的石灰石,其中所含碳酸钙的质量是      t。(2)上述石灰石理论上可以制得生石灰多少吨?(写出计算过程)
英语 试题推荐