
请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。【小题1】It was raining heavily when he ________ home last night. 【小题2】Mary wonders what she _________ as when she grows up.【小题3】— Amy, I called you yesterday evening, but nobody answered the phone.— Oh, I ________ a walk with my mother at that time.【小题4】—________ you ________ a letter to your mother recently?—Yes, I wrote one last Sunday.【小题5】We are told that sound ___________ through air at a speed of about 340 metres per second.据学者研究,中国近代关于绅士阶层的集体记忆如天渊之别,如下表所示时代戊戌时期大革命时期评价绅士为人民之代表绅士为全民之公敌地位绅士为救亡图存之中坚绅士为列强、军阀之基础作用绅士为社会进步之动力绅士为革命之保障目标兴绅权以兴民权打倒绅权以实现民权关于绅士的“历史记忆”形成如此巨大反差的主要原因是A. 民族资本主义的发展B. 中华民国南京临时政府的成立C. 无产阶级力量的壮大D. 中国社会舆论主导力量的转变
英语 试题推荐