
       Taylor Crowe used to play happily with his toys and recite his alphabet. By age 2, he was starting to learn to make sounds. But something happened in the third year of his childhood. He started losing his language abilities and would have emotional outbursts. Taylor’s parents noticed that he became very shy, and did not make eye contact (接触) when spoken to. He seemed to be in his own secret world.        Today, nearly 1 out of every 110 children born in the U.S. suffers from autism. Taylor Crowe was actually one of these sufferers. Autism is a complex neurologi我国青藏地区具有独特的景观。下列对该地区的描述正确的是(  )A.地势崎岖,岩溶地貌分布十分广泛B.草场广布,有我国海拔最高的牧场C.雪峰连绵,地处我国的第三级阶梯D.林场广布,是我国著名的红松之乡
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