
The morning had been a disaster. My tooth was aching, and I’d been in an argument with a friend. Her words still hurt,“The trouble with you is that you won’t put yourself in my place. Can’t you see things from my point of view?” I shook my head stubbornly—and felt the ache in my tooth. I’d thought I could hold out till my dentist came back from holiday, but the pain was really unbearable. I started calling the dentists in the phone book, but no one could see me immediately. Finally, at about lunch time, I got lucky.      “If you come by right now,” the recept18.(1)($\sqrt{3}$-1)2-($\sqrt{3}$-$\sqrt{2}$)($\sqrt{3}$+$\sqrt{2}$)(2)($\sqrt{12}$-4$\sqrt{\frac{1}{8}}$)-(3$\sqrt{\frac{1}{3}}$-4$\sqrt{0.5}$)
英语 试题推荐