
B Mother Teresa was born in Yugoslavia (南斯拉夫),on August 27,1910. She attended the government school near her home until she was eighteen. At that time, some doctors and nurses from Yugoslavia were working in India, and they often wrote to the school about their work. She decided to join them one day. When she left school, she went first to Britain. Then a year later she went to India, where she began to train to be a teacher. After training, she was sent to Calcutta, where she taught geography at a school and soon after became headmistress (校长). However, although she loved teaching某同学对蜡烛(主要成分为石蜡)及其燃烧进行了探究,请填写下列空格;(1)取一支蜡烛,用小刀切下一小块,把它放入水中,蜡烛浮在水面上,得出的结论是: .(2)点燃蜡烛,观察到蜡烛的火焰分为外焰、内焰、焰心三层,把一根火柴放在蜡烛的火焰中约1S后取出,可以看到火柴梗与接触的部位最先炭化,说明: .(3)再将一个干燥的烧杯罩在蜡烛火焰上方,烧杯 ,片刻后取下烧杯,迅速向烧杯内倒入少量的澄清石灰水,振荡后发现 ,说明石蜡燃烧后生成了水和二氧化碳等物质.
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