
Section B Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrases that best fits the context. I have been told in China, having a pet, particularly a dog, is often considered to be a status symbol because it shows the family can   36   to have an animal. It is different here.      In Canada it is   37   for people to have pets. Many people have dogs. Many others have cats and there are people who keep fish, birds or rabbits. Some keep what we call exotic pets. These might be ferrets, snak下列词语和现象对应解释错误的是(  ) A、桂花飘香-分子在不断运动B、加热后水的体积变大-温度升高分子间隔变大C、10mL水和10mL酒精混合总体积小于20mL--分子间有间隔D、蔗糖加入水后逐渐消失-蔗糖分子被分解
英语 试题推荐