
One man was to meet his wife downtown and spend some time shopping with her. He waited _26_for 15 minutes. Then he waited impatiently for 15 minutes more. After that, he became _27_. When he saw a photograph booth (照相亭) nearby, he had_28_. He wore the unhappy expression he could manage, which was not _29_ in the situation. In a few moments, he was holding four small prints that_30_ even him. He wrote his wife’s name on the back of the photos and handed them to a_31_behind the desk in the booth. “_32_you see a small, dark lady with brown eyes and an apologetic expression, o抗日战争胜利后,中国共.产.党适时调整了土地政策,将抗战时期的____________政策改为耕者有其田政策。1947年按照《中国土地法大纲》规定,各解放区先后开展了_____________运动。
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