
下列各句中,加点的词语使用不恰当的一项是                (    ) A.鸽子能利用地球磁场来导向,相映成趣的是,研究人员新近发现一种细菌也能感应地球磁场,这种细菌在磁场中的行动方向就像是一个罗盘针。 B.热情的张阿姨听说小王是自己女儿的朋友,便拉着小王的手全神贯注地跟她拉起了家常,一直聊到深夜,害得小王都没赶上末班车。 C.专家指出,只要采取“绿色生活方式”,使家里的每件物品都物尽其用,就可将家庭产生的One day a heavy storm hit a village. Nothing was 1 but a rock fell from the nearby mountain. The rock rolled down from the mountain and 2 in the middle of the main oad in the village. It was very big and shaped more or less 3 a ball. The villagers decided to move it away since it was blocking the street. Several of the 4 men came to try to lift it out of the road. No matter 5 they tried, they couldn’t move it. All of this time a young boy was 6 the men trying to move the rock.. “Excuse me,” he said, “but I think I could move it.” “You,” they shouted, “7 are you talking about? All of us have just tried and can’t 8 move it a little.” They all 9 the boy.The next 10 some villagers came to the street. To their great 11, the rock was gone. More people ran out to see for themselves. It was true the rock was not in the road any more. The little boy stood in the street, smiling, “ I told you I could move it. I did it last night.” 12 he walked over to 13 the rock had been and 14 some dirt with a shovel( 铲 ) “You see,” he said, “ I dug a hole 15 the rock and it rolled down into the hole by itself. Then I covered it with dirt.”1.A.hurtB.foundC.destroyedD.broken2.A.layB.stoppedC.stoodD.placed3.A.asB.forC.alikeD.like4.A.happiestB.biggestC.weakestD.strongest5.A.whatB.how hardC.how manyD.how long6.A.seeingB.hearingC.watchingD.staring7.A.whomB.howC.whereD.what8.A.still notB.alreadyC.evenD.will9.A.smiled atB.praisedC.joked withD.laughed at10.A.nightB.eveningC.afternoonD.morning11.A.joyB.interestC.satisfactionD.surprise12.A.At lastB.ThenC.FinallyD.So13.A.whereB.in whichC.thereD.place14.A.gaveB.coveredC.uncoveredD.put15.A.aroundB.belowC.next toD.away from
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