
A farmer went to town to sell his vegetable. But it was snowing that afternoon, and there_26_ few people in the street. So when his vegetable was sold out, it was dark. _27_ his way home, he saw a man _28_ in the snow. He put his basket _29_ and was going to _30  the man to get up. At that time he found  31  was a dead man _32_ that there was _33  blood on the ground. He was _34_ frightened that he ran away _35 ,  _36_ his basket away. The next _37_ the farmer was sent to the police station. After showing him the basket, an officer asked, “Is this yours?” “Yes,sir.” the fa已知直线与曲线恰有两个不同的交点,记k的所有可能取值构成集合A;P(x,y)是椭圆上一动点,与点P关于直线y=x+1对称,记的所有可能取值构成集合B,若随机的从集合A,B中分别抽出一个元素,则的概率是___________
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