
2011年9月19日,湖南省农科院发布:杂交水稻之父、袁隆平院士指导的超级稻第三期目标亩产900公斤高产攻关获得成功。读我国水稻优势种植区分布图,回答1~2题。 1.东北稻米品质优于其它种植区的优势条件是(   ) A.纬度较低,热量充足          B.土壤肥沃,生长期长 C.人口密集,市场需求量大      D.季风气候,雨热同期 2.当前我国水稻种植业的发展特点是(   ) A.单产提高           B.种植面积不变 C.商品率降低  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Little Chad was a shy,   21   young man. One day he came home and told his mother that he’d like to make a Valentine for everyone in his class. Her heart sank. She thought, “I wish he  22   do that!” because she had   23   the children when they walked home from school. Her Chad was always   24   them. They laughed and   25  on to each other. But Chad was never   26  . However, she decided she would   27   with her son. So she bought the paper and glue and crayons(蜡笔). For three weeks, night after night, Chad painstakingly made 35 valentines.Valentine’s Day   28  , and Chad was   29   himself with excitement. He carefully put them in a bag and walked out of the door. His mother decided to bake him his favorite cookies and   30   them nice and warm with a cool glass of milk when he came home. She just knew he would be   31   and maybe that would ease(减轻) the pain a little. It hurt her to think that he wouldn’t get many valentines-maybe   32  at all.That afternoon she had the cookies and milk on the table. When she heard the children outside, she looked out of the window. Sure enough,   33  they came, laughing and having the   34   time. And, as   35  , there was Chad at the back. He walked a little faster than usual. She   36   expected him to burst into   37   as soon as he got inside. His arms were   38  , she noticed, and when the door opened she choked back the tears.“Mommy has some cookies and milk for you,” she said.But he hardly heard her words, he just   39   right on by, his face aglow(满面红光), and all he could say was, “Not a one. Not a one.”Her heart sank.And then he added, “I didn’t forget a one, not a   40   one!”21.A.excited       B.quiet  C.cold    D.calm22.A.shouldn’t   B.might          C.wouldn’t    D.could23.A.watched    B.noticed       C.found D.stared24.A.behind        B.among        C.with   D.beside25.A.dropped     B.hung  C.fell      D.turned26.A.contained  B.included     C.received     D.favored27.A.go on B.go off C.go in  D.go along28.A.reached     B.followed     C.passed       D.dawned29.A.in        B.of        C.beside        D.for30.A.provide       B.offer  C.serve D.supply31.A.disappointed      B.worried      C.high   D.anxious32.A.some B.none  C.any     D.nothing33.A.there B.where         C.nowhere    D.anywhere34.A.best   B.good  C.great D.happy35.A.never B.always        C.still     D.seldom36.A.hardly         B.badly C.fully    D.seriously37.A.laughter     B.laughing     C.crying         D.tears38.A.full      B.straight      C.empty         D.bent39.A.traveled     B.marched    C.moved        D.rolled40.A.single          B.only    C.very   D.just
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