
阅读下文,完成文后各题。 奇妙的“自然数局” 人们在自然界里,迄今发现的最为神奇的数,就算是黄金数0.618了,不过,神奇的大自然不仅给出了黄金数,还给出了神奇的斐波那契数列。斐波那契是意大利13世纪的数学家,他发现有这样一组数列非常奇妙:1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21……这个数列表面无奇,但内里神奇,因为大自然里许多事物都能展现出这种数列,百合的花瓣是3瓣,飞燕草是5瓣,翠雀花是8瓣,金盏草是13瓣,紫宛是21瓣…… 现在,人Reporters collect information and write news stories. These stories appear in newspapers and magazines. Some reporters appear on television and radio. To get information, reporters should look at documents, observe the scene and interview people.To get the latest news, radio and television reporters often reporter “live” from the scene.Some reporters work long hours. They might work strange schedules. At morning newspapers, reporters might work from late afternoon until midnight. At evening or afternoon papers, they may work from early morning until afternoon. Radio and television reporters work during the day or in the evening. Magazine reporters generally work during the day. Reporters may have to change their work hours to follow a story.If someone wants to be a reporter, a bachelor’s degree(学士学位) in journalism(新闻工作) is preferred. Some employers like graduates with other majors(专业). Working at school newspapers or broadcasting stations is good experience. Internship(实习生身份) with news organizations also help when looking for a job as a reporter.Reporters must write clearly and effectively. They need word processing(文字处理),computer graphics(图片), and desktop publishing skills. Speaking a second language is necessary for some jobs.小题1:The underlined word “scene”in the first paragraph probably means _______.A.spotB.officeC.stageD.company小题2:If one wants to be a reporter, he must  _______.A.be doctorB.have enough experienceC.study in a newspaper company before D.be good at writing小题3:Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A.Magazine reporters usually work during the day.B.Only the person majoring in journalism can be a reporter.C.We can get the latest news from the live report.D.Sometimes reporters have to change work hours in order to follow a story.小题4:What is the best title for this passage?A.Who is a reporter?B.How does a reporter report?C.What is a reporter?D.When does a reporter work?
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