
SCS Global Services (SCS) has evaluated a new methodology for measuring the carbon sequestration(封存) ability of soil under the Verified(验证) Carbon Standard (VCS), a leading greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting system. The methodology, developed by The Earth Partners, will allow land managers who sequester GHGs in grasslands and farmlands to produce carbon credits for sale in the voluntary market. Managers of grasslands and farmlands can increase carbon sequestration in soil by practices such as changing grazing(放牧) practices and operating treatments des25、小明冬天取暖时发现:电暖器的电热丝热得发红,而与电热丝相连的导线却不怎么热.(1)请你根据小明发现的现象提出一个需要探究的物理问题:电流通过导体产生的热量与哪些因素有关.(2)如图是小明进行实验探究的部分电路,A、B烧瓶中装有质量相等初温相同的煤油,A、B分别为长短和粗细相同的铜丝和镍铬合金丝.通电一段时间后,会发现B(A/B)烧瓶中温度计的示数大些.此现象说明:在通过的电流和通电时间相同时,导体的电阻越大,电流产生的热量越多.(3)通过实验现象的分析,请你帮小明解释为什么电热丝热得发红而导线却不怎么热.
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