
My friend Kathy and I were going to Colorado Springs for holiday. The only problem was, I didn’t have any luggage to pack my belongings in. My friend Debbie offered to lend me a suitcase that belonged to her father, who had passed away long ago. “I don’t know if you’ll want to use it,” she said so gently, “it’s very old, worn out, and such an ugly yellow color. I was so touched by her offer to lend something that belonged to her father, but I was also concerned about the possibility of it being damaged or lost. She insisted that I take it. So with the suitcase safely in han18.甲图是细胞间信息传递的三种模式示意图,乙图为突触的模式图.(1)若甲图A模式中,内分泌腺为甲状腺,其分泌物直接受垂体分泌的促甲状腺激素的影响,而血液中甲状腺激素含量增加到一定程度,又反过来抑制垂体的分泌活动,这种调节方式称为(负)反馈调节.(2)如果人体大量失水,血浆渗透压将升高,引起抗利尿激素分泌增加.(3)体温相对恒定是保证内环境稳定的一个重要前提.与体温调节直接相关的两种激素分别是甲状腺激素,肾上腺激素.(4)C模式中神经元之间的联系可用乙图表示,在该结构中,信息的传递是单向的(双向或单向),因为⑤突触小泡中的神经递质只能由突触前膜 释放,作用于突触后膜.
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