
   Back in 2003 an 86-year-old man drove his Buick through a crowded farmers’ market. Nine people were killed. More than fifty-four people were hurt, fourteen with serious injuries. When he finally stopped, the 86-year-old man got out his car and screamed at people to get out of the way.  No alcohol or drugs were found in his system. Apparently, he was just old and confused. This is a frightening accident, and it is not a rare one. There are many examples of elderly drivers driving into swimming pools, houses, storefronts, or worse. In our teenage years we all heard “driving is 下列四幅地图图幅大小相同,其中表示内容最为详细的是(  )A. 世界行政区划图 B. 中国行政区划图C. 甘肃省行政区划图 D. 天水市行政区划图
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