
    The Dupont Circle park in Washington DC is a busy, crowded place. Popular restaurants and businesses around the circle attract many city residents and visitors. But few people know about the old streetcar station below the street. Braulio Agnese is the Managing Director of an organization called Dupont Underground. The group wants to change the old station into a place for the arts.We see everything from site-specific art work, which fills the space in different ways, light and sound or appliances. Or it can be used like a traditional gallery. But also as a curved space, it offe图1是某海域生态系统食物网的一部分,图2表示图1中贻贝的能量流动情况(图中A、B表示能量去向,①~⑥表示相应的能量值)。请据图回答:(1)作为一个完整的生态系统,图1中缺少的成分是_____________。(2)调查发现,鲲鱼偏好的食物随体长而变化,体长小于10 mm的鲲鱼主要摄食桡足类的卵,体型较长的鲲鱼主要摄食桡足类,也会捕食青鳞鱼的卵和幼体等。据此可知,该生态系统中至少有_______条食物链, 三级消费者有_________。 鲈鱼与鲲鱼之间的种间关系是_________。(3)结合图1分析,图2中B表示_________, A的能量中流向分解者的有_____ 、_____(填序号)。(4)贻贝养殖能显著提高产量,以满足食用需求。流入某贻贝养殖场的总能量包括_________。但养殖时要严格控制贻贝养殖密度,否则会导致养殖场周边水质恶化,直至生态系统遭到破坏。从生态学角度,分析其主要原因是________。
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