
As an effect of the high fuel prices spent on bus transportation, some American schools are changing to a four-day week. That means longer days instead of the traditional Monday through Friday schedule. Having been approved for three years and beginning in the fall, students in the Maccray school district in Minnesota will be in school from Tuesday to Friday. Each school day will be 65 minutes longer. Officials say the district expects to save about sixty-five thousand dollars a year in transportation costs. In new Mexico, the first school district changed to a four-day week in 1974 bec 雄忻高铁,东起河北雄安,西至山西忻州,设计时速350 km,由原规划的忻保客运专线升级而来。预计全线桥梁长度约为187 km,隧道长度约为114 km,桥隧比例达88.74%。目前,有关部门已经完成雄忻高铁可行性研究报告。读雄忻高铁规划线路图,完成下面小题。【1】雄忻高铁建设的有利条件有①道路基础好②途经地区地势平坦③政府大力支持④沿线人口密度低A. ①④B. ②③C. ①③D. ②④【2】雄忻高铁桥隧比例高达88. 74%,最可能是因为①线路西部多山②跨越大江大河③穿越城市较多④减少侵占耕地A. ①③B. ①④C. ②③D. ②④
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