
任务型阅读 ,阅读下面的材料,根据其内容填空,完成后面的表格。 Playing with friends, going to a party, having a meal in a restaurant or receiving a birthday gift—as a teenager, you go to different places and meet different kinds of people. Everything you do leaves an impression (印象). So manners are very important. Arriving 30 minutes late for a date may say: “This isn’t that important to me.” Taking a cell phone call while talking to your friend may say: “The caller is more important than the person standing in front of me.” Failing to show th华盛顿说:“剑是维护自由的最后手段,一旦自由得到确立,就应该将它放在一旁。”下列华盛顿的活动不能体现的是:A.首任总统后改善与英国关系,与周边印第安人签订友好条约B.领导独立战争期间力主与英国和谈C.欧洲英法开战之际宣布“严守中立”政策D.告别演说告诫不要感情用事同外国进行友谊的结合或敌对的冲突
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