
完形填空     Joan is __1_ American girl. _2_ family is in New York. She is thirteen. She__3  salad a lot. Now, Joan is_4__China. She likes Chinese food. __5__ lunch she likes eating chicken and carrots.  She studies in No.2 Middle School. She reads Chinese every morning. She likes  __6__Chinese _7__ class. She usually  _8_  Chinese after class, too.     She __9__ TV on Sunday evenings. It’s relaxing at home. She likes helping others. She likes _ 10__tennis.  (   ) 1. A. a               B. the            C. an       (   )2. A. Her下列依次填入横线处的词语,恰当的一组是⑴如果不     “圈钱”思维,股市融资国际化将会演变成一个国际“老虎机”,股权分置改革等一系列制度都会出现畸形。⑵有关专家预测,随着我国私人汽车购置力的迅速增强,未来几年内完全有可能     蕴藏巨大市场和商机的“汽车经济”。⑶有关法规对     泛滥的网络语言发出“封杀令”,规定教科书和新闻报道中不得使用不符合现代汉语词汇和语法规范的网络语言。A.摈弃催生日渐B.抛弃催生日见C.抛弃萌生日渐D.摈弃萌生日见
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