
阅读理解 I have a rule for travel, never carry a map. I prefer to ask for directions. Foreign visitors are often puzzled in Japan because most streets there don’t have names. In Japan, people use landmarks instead of street names. For example, the Japanese will say to travelers, “Go straight down to the corner. Turn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market. The post office is across from the bus stop.” In the country of the American Midwest, usually there are not many landmarks. There are no mountains, so the land is very flat. In many places there are no towns or b 阅读下面这首古诗 不见 杜甫 不见李生久,佯狂真可哀!世人①皆欲杀,吾意独怜才。 敏捷诗千首,飘零酒一杯。匡山②读书处,头白好归来。 【注释】这首诗写于客居成都初期,杜甫此时辗转得悉李白已在流放夜郎途中获释,遂有 感而作。①世人:指统治集团的人。②匡山:李白少时读书的大匡山,在今四川北部。 1. 结合具体诗句,分析诗中李白的形象。 答: 2.阅读全诗,品析作者在诗歌中所表达的思想感情。 答:
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