
It turns out that nodding off in class may not be such a bad idea after all, as a new study has shown that going to sleep shortly after learning new material is the best way to remember it. According to the leader of the study, Jessica Payne, a psychologist at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, nodding off after learning something new is like “telling” the sleeping brain what to keep. Along with her colleagues, she studied 207 students who habitually slept for at least six hours per night. Participants were assigned without any regular pattern to study declarative (陈述性的写一篇展望对世纪科技新生活的短文。 1.人们可能上月球去度假。 2.科学家可能在海底生活工作。 3.体检或购物等可通过电视电话进行。 4.孩子可在家中通过广播电视学习。 5.机器人为人们做家务。 字数:100字左右。
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