
Jacksonville, Florida, Nov.10 —A 14-year-old boy was arrested today after the rotten body of an 8-year-old girl who was his neighbor was found hidden in his bedroom. She had been stabbed(用刀刺) and beaten. The boy, Joshua Earl Patrick Philips, admitted and was charged with murder in the death of the girl,Maddie Clifton, who disappeared on Nov.3,Sheriff Nat Glover said. Joshua, who has no criminal record, would not be eligible(够条件的) for the death punishment because of his age. Detectives recovered a knife and a baseball bat believed to be the weapons used to kill the girl, the S下列各项词语划线字读音全都正确的一项是( )A.朱拓(tuò) 仓颉(jié) 胚胎 (pēi) 瓮牖绳枢(yǒu)B.炮烙(páo) 喁喁(yóng) 埋怨(mái) 牛山濯濯 (zhuó)C.吮吸(yǔn) 脑髓(suǐ) 札记 (zhá) 一觞一咏(shāng) D.讥诮(qiào) 畏葸(xǐ) 祈祷 (qí) 横样子 (hèng)
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