
It was a cold, wet day on June 6, when 14-year-old Wasana arrived at school. Waiting outside his classroom for his classmates to arrive, Wasana   13   aimlessly at the pouring rain. Then his      14   fell upon the hill that rose at the back of the classroom. He noticed huge amounts of rainwater   15   down the hill, and water was also bubbling at the base of a large rock on the hill. For a few   16  , Wasana looked at the water, wondering  17   it looked so familiar. Then it   18   him – the scene was surprisingly   19   to the pictures he was shown duri(10分)阅读材料,回答问题。材料“冲击—反应”曾是国内外史学界解释中国近代历史的模式之一。其主要观点为中国社会存在巨大惰性,缺乏突破传统框架的内部动力;从19世纪中期开始,西方的冲击促使中国发生剧烈变化。有人据此图示中国近代历史变迁(见下图)。根据材料并结合所学知识,评析“冲击—反应”模式。(要求:对该模式赞成、反对或另有观点均可,观点明确;运用材料中的史实进行评析,史论结合。)
英语 试题推荐