
       During the summer vacation this year, I thought I________(shall) do something meaningful instead of________(stay) at home, so I got a job at a KFC fast food restaurant and worked ____ a cleaner. I worked eight hours a day for three weeks. The job was hard and _______(bore), and it seemed endless, ______ made me so tired that I nearly gave _____ up halfway. But I stuck to it with great _________ (determine). Every day I started off for work early in the morning and got home late in the evening. Finally I finished the job before the new term ______(begin). Now I understand__下列各项中加点字的注音完全正确的一项是(2分)    (    )     A.  枯涸hé    蜷曲quán    酝酿niàng    一丝不苟gǒu     B.收敛liàn    肥硕shuò    滑稽jī   忍俊不禁jìn     C.憔悴qiáo    匿笑nì    静谧mì    头晕目眩xuán     D.啜泣chuò   感慨kài    宽恕shù    踉踉跄跄niàng
英语 试题推荐