
如图所示,一光滑的半径为R的半圆形轨道放在水平面上,一个质量为m的小球以某一速度冲上轨道,当小球将要从轨道口飞出时,轨道受到的压力恰好为零,则小球落地点C距A处多远? 答案:在轨道口,由重力充当向心力 接着,小球做平抛运动 联立上面3式,解得:看图片,判断正(T)误(F)。 (____) 1. Where is the red cap? It’s in the desk. (____) 2. Where is the car? It’s in the desk. (____) 3. Where is the pencil? It’s in the desk. (____) 4. Where is the pink ruler? It’s under the desk. (____) 5. Where is the orange duck? It’s on the chair. (____) 6. The blue book is under the hand. (____) 7. Is the pencil box under the desk? No, it isn’t.(____) 8. Is the ball under the desk? Yes, it is.(____) 9. Where is the pink bag? It’s under the chair.(____) 10. The map is under the chair.
物理 试题推荐