
 阅读表达;阅读下面短文并回答问题,请注意词数要求。 Bikes are popular in the Dutch(荷兰). In fact, nearly half of all travel in the Dutch is by bike. Now, one Dutch bike designer(设计师), Thomas, has taken the country’s interest in bikes by making a school bus bike.     The big bike has eight sets of pedals (踏板) for kids, a driver seat for an adult, and three other seats, comfortably letting little kids for their trip to and from school. The bike even has a motor, which can help with high hills or at times when few kids on it.      So ________年,杨坚夺取北周政权,建立________,________年,隋军南下,灭掉了南朝最后一个朝代________,南北重归统一。
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