
I have two sons.They are as different as night and day.My youngest is sweet, loveable, easy-going, and finds joy in everything.My oldest we’ve nicknamed the “Evil Genius” is ambitious, self-confident, and suffers no fools.Whenever we mentioned Santa my husband and I were rewarded with major eye rolling and deep sighs from my oldest.At first we both tried to ignore it.We both knew that our eldest had figured out the big secret.But I’d be damned(指责) if he was going to ruin it for his six-year-old brother who had plenty of Santa-loving years ahead of him.I look名著阅读。(2分)     二十世纪上半叶法国著名人道主义作家           创作了《名人传》,作品叙述了德国音乐家贝多芬、意大利画家和雕刻家               、俄国作家 列夫 ·‍托尔斯泰的苦难生活。
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