
在五千多年的发展历程中,中华民族不仅创造了辉煌的历史和灿烂的文化,而且形成了伟大的民族精神。这种民族精神 ①是我国民族文化的精髓 ②是以爱国主义为核心的团结统一、爱好和平、勤劳勇敢、自强不息的伟大民族精神 ③在新的历史条件下集中体现为大庆精神、“两弹一星”精神、抗洪精神、载人航天精神等 ④作为我们民族的根,每一个中华儿女都有责任、有义务弘扬和培育 A.②③④                B.①③④               My mother let go of me when I could not let go of her .In one last brave moment she was strong for me ,thus making me strong ,too. I was in the kitchen when        called and told me to make a quick decision .They could only hold a place for my         until the next morning. The thought of being        from my Alzheimer’s stricken (早老性痴呆)mother when she needed me most       me .Dad died when I was a teenager ,Mom and I had        many hard times together .Mom taught me to laugh my way through bad experiences and sing through     days .But in recent years , except for extremely        moments of consciousness , she’d become lost in her own private world .I knew that Mom needed       nursing and medical care ,yet the possibility of a complete stranger coming to her at night ,when she would      around like a sleepwalking child ,filled me with a feeling of      . Two bitter days passed     we left for the nursing home .I hugged and kissed her with       tears ,I’d always planned the best golden years for Mom in her old age ,but now I was saying    . Suddenly there was something shining in her     , a look of recognition .“Stop crying now”,she said firmly ,“Say goodbye and get going .Don’t     about me .” I stood with     and stared into her face .“Mom!”I cried and reached out for her .But as quickly as my “real ”Mom had appeared ,she    again into her world of a little child .       ,at that very moment I realized the mother ,that familiar Mom who knew and understood ,who      and sang with me in hard times ,would always be there , giving me       when I needed it most .小题1:A.the hospitalB.the nursing home C.the kindergartenD.the school小题2:A.DadB.MomC.brotherD.husband小题3:A.freedB.protectedC.forbiddenD.separated小题4:A.relaxedB.comfortedC.painedD.struck小题5:A.bravedB.fearedC.escapedD.followed小题6:A.unforgettableB.comfortableC.smoothD.tough小题7:A.regularB.rareC.usualD.common小题8:A.casualB.limitedC.professionalD.general小题9:A.wanderB.dreamC.sleep D.look小题10:A.loveB.sacrificeC.warmthD.shame小题11:A.beforeB.afterC.untilD.since小题12:A.happyB.helplessC.thankfulD.salty小题13:A.helloB.goodnightC.goodbyeD.thanks小题14:A.handsB.mindC.voiceD.eyes小题15:A.worryB.wonderC.puzzleD.hesitate小题16:A.satisfactionB.disappointmentC.amazementD.recognition小题17:A.disappearedB.brokeC.returned D.left小题18:A.MeanwhileB.ThereforeC.BesidesD.However小题19:A.laughedB.criedC.talkedD.cooked小题20:A.confidenceB.strengthC.safetyD.relief
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