
       Every morning, on the way to school, I see the same people I always see: the old lady walking the dog, the man at the newsstand(报亭), the skipping twins on their way to the bus stop. I don’t know any of their names. In a strange way, I consider them as my friends. Every day, I smile at them, and they smile at me. At school, I like all the subjects. I have friends I have known as long as I can remember. It’s as comfortable as being at home.        Today at breakfast my parents announce that we’re going to move because my father has gotten a promotion. On my w判断。(1)“为了有一天能把德国佬赶出去,我们得不惜代价守住它,懂吗?”这句话表现了伯诺德夫人一家与秘密共存亡的决心,也可以看出保住秘密这一任务十分艰巨。( )(2)伯诺德夫人一家面对敌人无疑是勇敢的,这勇敢,来源于对侵略者的恨,对祖国的爱,对和平生活的向往。( )
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