
下列加点字注音完全正确的一项是(   ) (3分) A.绥(suí)靖     仄(zé)歪    狼藉(jí)     眼翳(yì) B.疟(yào)子     簌簌(sù)    差(chāi)使    尴(gān)尬 C.寒噤(jìn)     箱箧(qì)    蹒(pán)跚    愧怍(zhuò)  D阻遏(è).      伛(qǔ)偻    吊唁(yàn)    颤(chàn)巍巍  答案:B选择合适的句子完成对话,其中两项为多余选项。A: Hi, Henry! Where do you want to go?B:   1     A: That sounds great.  2     B: I like elephants best.A:   3     B: Because they are strong(强壮的)and smart. What about you?A:   4     They are lovely.B: Where are they from?A:   5     B: Let's go to the zoo together.A: OK.A. They are from Australia.B. Why do you go to the city zoo?C. What's your favorite animal?D. What animals do you like?E. I want to go to the city zoo. F. I like koalas a lot. G. Why do you like them?
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