
阅读理解 Many people do not like to stay at home on holidays.They want to go out to see something different or do something exciting.So people from the country go to the city and people from the city go to the country for holidays.During the holidays,trains,buses and planes are all very busy.It is very hard to buy train tickets or air tickets.Many people take cars or buses for traveling. Last May Day my family went to the country by car for our holiday.There was too much traffic on the road,so we had to move very slowly.It took us about an hour to get out of the town.After som运动员双手握着竹竿匀速上爬或匀速下滑时,他受到的摩擦力分别为f1,f2,则A.f1,f2均向下,f1>f2B.f1,f2均向上,f1=f2C.f1向上,f2向下,f1>f2D.f1向下,f2向上,f1=f2
英语 试题推荐