
二、阅读下面的文言文,完成4-7题。(19分) 傅喜字稚游,河内温人也。少好学问,有志行。哀帝立为太子,成帝选喜为太子庶子。哀帝初即位,以喜为卫尉,迁右将军。是时,王莽为大司马,乞骸骨,避帝外家。上既听莽退,众庶归望于喜。喜从弟孔乡侯晏亲与喜等,而女为皇后。喜执谦称疾。傅太后始与政事,喜数谏之,由是傅太后不欲令喜辅政。上于是用左将军师丹代王莽为大司马,赐喜黄金百斤、上将军印绶,以光禄大夫养病。 大司空何武阅读下面的短文,然后将划线部分译成汉语或英语。Do you keep fish and turtles in your classroom at school? 1. 你曾经在一条小船上上过课吗? Do you put the food you leave over into a compost (混合肥料) box? That’s all part of a school day at Barnard School.Barnard School is a “green” school in America. 2..This school wants to tell kids the importance of caring about the environment. The students can also learn a different way to live a healthier life.With the special lessons, about 300 students in the school study the environment all day long. 3.而且在教室里研究鱼和其他的动物是十分有趣的. Students throw some lunch leftovers (吃剩的饭菜) into a compost box in a greenhouse. 4.They use the waste to help grow plants.At Barnard School, almost everything has something to do with the environment. Students sing songs about the environment. Their art work also has something to do with the environment. Even their math classes are about caring about the environment. All the students have these classes happily. 5.I think we should learn something from this school. 
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