
汉武帝采用董仲舒的意见,罢黜百家,独尊儒术,在中央设立太学,置儒家的五经博士,后又为之置弟子员,使之成为政府设立的最高学府,学习经学成为入仕的正式途径。由此可知汉代( ) A.诸子百家的成分发生了新的变化 B.原始的民主思想彻底消失 C.知识分子的构成发生了新的变化 D.孟子地位发生了新的变化— We need a room for tonight, and I’d like to take a chance to check in without reservation.    — Don’t you know about the jammed hotels in this season? ______.    A. Better play it safe                                           B. Do as you please    C. No problem                                                                            D. Think nothing of it 
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