
治理长江和黄河的关键分别是(     ) A.治水 治沙      B.治沙 治水 C.加固大堤  加固大堤     D.多兴修水利  加固大堤 答案:A.补全对话(每小题2分,共10分)    从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话。其中有两 项为多余选项。李明(A)在询问汤姆(B)周末做了些什么。   A. But we liked it.   B. You are so great!   C. Would you like to go out with me?   D. What did you do on Sunday?   E. Because Ma Xiaotiao is a naughty boy but he is clever.   F. I think it's difficult for you to understand (懂) .   G. I think it's boring. A :What did you do last weekend,Tom?B : I went for a ride with my friends on Saturday.A : That's exciting. 1 B : I watched The Naughty Boy Ma Xiaotiao with my foreign friends.A : Really? It's a Chinese cartoon (动画片) .2  B : You are right. Sometimes we didn't understand what they say. 3  A :Why did you like it?B : 4 And his friends are very lovely,too.A :Do you know the names of his friends?B : Yes. Xia Linguo,Zhang Da,Tang Fei and Mao Chao". That'sall.A :Wow,you know many names. 5  B : Thank you.
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