
 Before I realized what had happened, we were off the ground. The earth just seemed to drop away from the hot air balloon. I   61   (honest) felt nothing when the ropes were unfastened and we started to fly into the sky. John reminded us   62  (relax). He then set out to point out some of the best sights and photo opportunities,  63  (start) with the sunrise. Once the sun was up, the temples and pagodas were even   64   (beautiful). John was too anxious to introduce some of his personal favorites, as well as those buildings experiencing repair work. With the end of o3.二甲醚是一种重要的清洁燃料,也可替代氟利昂作制冷剂等,对臭氧层无破坏作用.工业上可利用煤的气化产物(水煤气)合成二甲醚(CH3OCH3).请回答下列问题:(1)利用水煤气合成二甲醚的三步反应如下:(甲醇:CH3OH)①2H2(g)+CO(g)═CH3OH(g);△H=-90.8kJ•mol-1②2CH3OH(g)═CH3OCH3(g)+H2O(g);△H=-23.5kJ•mol-1③CO(g)+H2O(g)═CO2(g)+H2(g);△H=-41.3kJ•mol-1则利用水煤气合成二甲醚的总反应的热化学方程式为3H2(g)+3CO(g)?CH3OCH3(g)+CO2(g)△H=-246.4kJ•mol-1.一定条件下的密闭容器中,该总反应达到平衡,要提高CO的转化率,可以采取的措施是ce(填字母代号).a.高温高压          b.加入催化剂        c.减少CO2的浓度d.增加CO的浓度    e.分离出二甲醚(2)、已知反应②2CH3OH(g)═CH3OCH3(g)+H2O(g)某温度下的平衡常数为400.此温度下,在密闭容器中加入CH3OH,反应到某时刻测得各组分的浓度如下:物质CH3OHCH3OCH3H2O浓度/(mol•L-1)0.440.60.6①比较此时正、逆反应速率的大小:v正> v逆 (填“>”、“<”或“=”).②若加入CH3OH后,经10min反应达到平衡,此时c(CH3OH)=0.04mol/L;该时间内反应速率v(CH3OH)=0.16 mol/(L•min).
英语 试题推荐