
                           Giving  Back                                 Fair Way        The WestboroughHigh School golf team had taken the official photos with the  state prize, The other teams, disappointed,  were on the bus heading home.  And then  Westborough instructor Greg Rota noticed something wrong on one of the score cards.  A 9 had been recorded as a 7. They were not the state prize winner; Wobum High had won. None one have known, said Wobum's instructor, Bob Doran. For Rota, it wasn’t a difficult decisio26、全球每一次大的危机都会伴随着科技的新突破,进而推动产业革命、催生新兴产业,同时也成就了某些大国的崛起。当前,世界各国都在寻找支撑新一轮经济增长的引擎,力求抢占未来竞争的制高点。对于谋求早日实现现代化的中国来说,必须在若干关系长远的领域抢占经济科技制高点,为中国未来发展寻找牢固的基础。 运用矛盾的观点,分析上述历史经验对我国的启示? 评卷人 得分 三、综合题 (每空? 分,共? 分)
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