
    Sometimes the targets we set 61  (us) are just too high. We think that we will be better people in the future. Just as we are 62  (easy) taken over by the planning fallacy(谬见),believing that we can complete a large project for work in an afternoon,  we think in the future we will be better-organised and more self-disciplined.     One of the most  63  (fame) examples of the planning fallacy is  64 of the Oxford English Dictionary. In 1860 plans were in place to complete it within three years. In 1879 there was a new deal to publish in within a decade, but after fiv化学与生产、生活密切相关.下列有关说法不正确的是(  ) A、炒菜时油锅着火,立即盖上锅盖B、草木灰是农家肥料,主要成分是碳酸钾(K2CO3),属于钾肥C、发现家用天然气泄漏时,绝不能点火或开灯,必须截断气源,打开门窗D、合成材料的大量使用给人类带来了严重污染,所以要禁止生产和使用
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