
根据问题选择相对应的回答,将答案填在题目前的括号里。 (   ) 1. What did your English teacher say? (   ) 2. Where were you drinking a smoothie? (   ) 3. Where were you standing when the UFO took off? (   ) 4. How many language can he speak? (   ) 5. While I was at the party, what were you doing? A.  I was drinking it at a mall. B.  He can speak three – French, German and Portuguese. C.  She said I was very hard-working. D.  I was standing in front of the bank. E.  I was watching a movie with my sister.请结合下列常用的仪器和装置,回答有关问题:(1)写出标号仪器的名称:b e (2)图中仪器中,能在酒精灯火焰上直接加热的有 (填序号).(3)选择图中的 (填序号)可组合成实验室制取二氧化碳的发生装置,反应的化学方程式为 ;收集二氧化碳气体,可选择图中的 (填序号)装置,若要检测二氧化碳气体,则需将气体通过盛有 的i装置.(4)选择图中的e和f可组合成实验室制取氧气的发生装置,反应的化学方程式为 .(5)实验室用一定量的锌粒和20ml稀硫酸在常温下反应制取少量H2气体,制取少量H2气体所需要使用的仪器有 (填序号),制取H2的化学反应方程式为 .
英语 试题推荐